Wednesday 6 November 2013

A Author Review: Richard Laymon.

Hey Guys,
As promised a author review of Richard laymon.
I have read three of Richard Laymons books: Midnight's Lair, Allhallows eve and Island. I am not saying i am a huge fan of Richard Laymon but his book are good to pass the time away. I would recommend these books to people who like cruel gruesome stories but if you have a soft heart or don't like blood and gore don't bother.
I was recommend Richard Laymon by the father who loves his books, infact i was lent two of the books by him and he purchased me the third as i also enjoyed the way he writes.
Richard keeps the reader wanting more and each page you turn gets better and better athough (spoiler alert) i think the way he writes is a bit peverted. I am not saying he has a sick twisted mind and gets off on stuff like this but i think the books would be just as good without anyone getting raped or chewed up or beated up during sex and stuff like that. Infact on the back of my copy of Midnight;s Lair there was a quote i think describes Richard Laymon perfectly: " A gut crunching writer who could maybe teach Bret Easton Ellis a thing or two about keeping the reader hooked on obnixous characters who do horrible things", Time out. This describes how he writes perfectly, the stuff he writes is horrible and discusting and i find the books work great with or without it but some people may enjoy the sick twisted things to make the story lines better and better.
Do you like Richard Laymon? Recommend a book or two and i will read and review.
Sorry if you didn't enjoy this blog post but honest opinions = honest blogger.
Laura xx

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