Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Paperback Vs Hardback

Hey guys,
Today I thought I would something a bit different.
One question that's asked on a lot of tags online which do you prefer paperback or hardback. Now my answer is simple I prefer paperbacks. Don't get me wrong if someone buys me a hardback I won't throw it out or then buy the same book in hardback but if I go into a book store I tend to go for paperbacks.

Pros and cons of hardback:
Hardback books as it states hardback which can make these heavy and very big. They have covers on them to save the hardcover but in my case end up getting ripped so I then have to take them off and then the book looks boring and plain. Some hardback books I find are more expensive and are hardly ever in a sale. Hardback books don't tend to fit through a letter box so I have to then collect from the post office when I can get to one.
Hardback books tend to feel a quicker read as there are less pages as the font it usually quite big. Hardback books come out first so you get to get a book earlier than waiting for the paperback. They are steady and don't rip as much in accidents and corner of pages don't get bent in my bag as the cover protects the pages.

Pros and cons of paperbacks
You have to wait longer to get a paperback as they come out 3 months later than the hardback books. Sometimes a paperback with small font seems like a really long book with over 500 pages.
Paperback books are always in a sale they are smaller and easier to hold and also tend to have beautiful covers. Paperback books can fit through letterboxs unless they are very big books. Paperbacks are usually used as arcs by publishers for a reason. Paperback books are cheaper and lastly paperback are easier to read without ruining the spine. Paperback books are very popular for a reason and in my opinion are better.

What do you think paperback or hardback?
I will be doing a post on e-books vs audio books very soon.
See you soon
Laura xx

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