Today i thought i would tell you the places i tend to buy my books from. Unsure if some shops are in other countries and also i am unsure if the online it ships abroad, but maybe you could tell me where you get your books too.
Waterstones is one of my favorite places to go to buy books. I have the app on my phone which keeps me up to date with top sellers, new books and pre orders, so i can see what are popular aswell as what is coming soon. i love Waterstones as it has a big selection to choose from, and they also do good gift ideas.
WHSmith i tend to into WHSmith when i want to look at magazines or see what books are on offer. WHSmith do sell other stuff, but in the shop near me, it has a floor upstairs just to books and as you may have read in my book haul post here i had a few good bargains from WHSmith. I tend to buy books from WHSmith with a newspaper as they have great deals, if you buy a certain paper you can buy a book for £1-£2.99 which i think is a good way to promote books.
The Works is my favorite place to buy books. I love the shop and the wide selection of the books you can choose from, sometimes you do have to wait a month or two to buy a new book but you get a great deal with it so it is worth the wait. the works don't just sell books, dvds, cds, toys, arts and crafts and also novelty stuff too. I tend to go into the works to buy 3 books for £5 or 2 for £3.
ASDA don't have a great selection of books as the ones i have already mentioned but they are always up to date and usually have 2 for £7 offer, which i don't mind paying for a Brand new book that just came out. Also Asda tend to do sales every now and again with books for £1 or £2.
Other supermarkets i purchase my books from are Tesco and Morrisons.
Car boot sales are good places to get books, but don't always expect them in perfect condition,but with the right price you can't moan. Some charity shops are good places too look, but sometimes you tend to find books for the older generation more in these types of shops.
If i am looking for certain book that i need a series i tend to shop on Ebay. Type in title or author or both and ebay will find it for you. I tend to shop on Ebay if i am missing a book out of series of books and need it to finish the series. Ebay has both a uk site and all around the world site which i think is good.
I hear Amazon is also a good place to get books, but i am yet to purchase anything off there. i have been told by many people it is as good as Ebay but i myself have never tried it.
I hope this helped you out a little on where to purchase books on the web or even if any of these stores are close to you. I would be glad to hear where you get your books from too if you have any different places to myself.
Laura xx
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