Hey Guys,
Product Details:
Publisher: Chicken House 2010.
Paperback. 371 Pages.
Source: Bought Myself.
Rating: 5 out of 5.
Synopsis/Blurb: "If you ain't scared, you ain't human."
When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He's surrounded by strangers--boys whose memories are also gone. Outside the towering stone walls that surround the Glade is a limitless, ever-changing maze. It's the only way out--and no one's ever made it through alive. Then a girl arrives. The first girl ever. And the message she delivers is terrifying...
I had heard so may great things said about James Dashner's writing and the amount of reviews I had read about this series was so high, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and so I purchase the series for myself.
From page one you are thrown in just like Thomas(the main character) not knowing what is going on, and just like Thomas you slowly learn through the book what is really going on. I really enjoyed that style of writing as you get to "experience" the storyline as much as the characters. You learn about the Glade, this place where boys live and they have to work to live and each person has their own little job to help run the glade. Throughout the beginning of the book Thomas feels as though is has to be a Maze Runner he doesn't know why, all he knows is he will become a Maze runner and he does. The maze runners job is everyday to run around the maze to find a way out, but the walls close in at night and that is also when the horrible "creators" come out to play. The Glade has it's own slang/accent and just like Thomas you have to learn what certain words mean and slowly through the book you understand what they are saying. The relationship between Thomas and Chuck is so heart warming, it's like they were best friends before and they picking up where they left off. All the way through the book you get this sense that Thomas has been here before and some of the boys "remember" him.
When the girl is entered in to the Glade everyone looks at Thomas as he was the last "newbie" on the block so he must know something. This is where the story gets very exciting and the twist within the story starts to take shape. What I loved about this book is every chapter is left on a cliff hanger so you can't put it down, as you want to know what's going to happen. This book certainly keeps you on your toes, but at the same time is not fast paced.
This book is a great read and I can't wait to read the rest of the series. Without spoiling it for anyone who hasn't read this book my favourite part in this book is the very last chapter... as I sat there and said out loud "Oh my god!!!!!!!" My fiancé thought I was weird talking to a book, but he talks to the telly haha.
I wouldn't say these were young adult books, as my nephew who is 11 has this book on his kindle and loves it that much he has read it twice.
See you soon.
Laura xx